4 Hour Rule

Understanding the Right Tugging Force

Choosing the correct tugging force for skin restoration isn't a one-size-fits-all answer. It varies based on factors like skin thickness, the girth of the skin tube, and how much loose skin is available for gripping. A wider gripping area distributes the force, reducing pressure. The longer you plan to wear the device and the further you are from a private area, the less force you should use.

The 4-Hour Rule

This rule helps determine the optimal tugging force for any restoration method. It's essential to apply the device and set the tension consistently each time. For beginners, external tension sources like straps, weights, or extender rigs are easier to manage. Self-tensioning methods, like Packers, require manual tensioning while securing the retaining cone, making them less consistent and harder to use with the 4-Hour Rule. TLC-X springs offer a compact profile but lack precise reproducibility.

Recommended Usage

Aim to use the device for 8-12 hours daily, allowing breaks for restroom trips and other interruptions. During non-tugging hours, keep the skin retained over the glans with the Your-Skin Cone.

Applying the 4-Hour Rule

  1. Start by applying your tugging device without any tension. Wear it for a set duration, like 4 hours (e.g., between breakfast and lunch).
  2. If you can comfortably wear it for several days without pain or negative effects, gradually increase the tension.
  3. Continue to increase the tension every few days until you experience unavoidable discomfort within your wear interval. If this happens, revert to the previous tension setting. Remember, never tolerate pain; adjust or remove the tension immediately if discomfort occurs.

This method will help you find the right tension setting. Over time, even gentle tension will increase the slack skin. You can track progress by measuring your Forced Erect Coverage (FEC) monthly.


4hr Rule Explanation Video with Shocker Strap


More Tips


  • Always apply a freshly washed device to clean, to freshly washed skin when possible.

Handling Discomfort:

  • If the device shifts and causes mild discomfort (pinching or burning):
    • Reapply and adjust if this happens occasionally.
    • If discomfort occurs within 4 hours every time, reduce the tugging force or check the device size.
  • Increasing the gripped skin area can lower stress, allowing for higher tension.

Wear Duration:

  • 8-hour rule: Suitable for wearing the device overnight.
  • 2-hour rule: For busy schedules or more aggressive methods like strapless/weightless options or the VLC-X.
  • Always adjust the device as needed to ensure comfort and proper fit.

TLC Shocker Nighttime Over the Shoulder Setup with 4-Hour Rule


In Summary

Starting with zero tension may seem tedious, but within a week or two you will be dialed in to your ideal tension setting. Proceed with caution. Injuries to the skin have been reported even with no pain warning. One User Forum member reported that some broken blood vessels happened the very first hour he tried a ventless tapeless device. He had no idea anything was wrong until he took the device off to urinate. It cleared up within a week. The ventless devices create a vacuum around the glans, and unfortunately as with all vacuum methods there is a risk of bruising from burst blood vessels. There is no way to know we are approaching the tension level at which this would start to occur for an individual. Proceed with extreme caution when using ventless devices, especially if you’re intact.

To recap, if it often gets uncomfortable before you were otherwise ready to take it off, you’re tugging too hard. If it never gets uncomfortable, maybe you could go stronger. To cycle through testing each tension level for a few 4-hour stints can take weeks. Once you’re dialed in, that’s it – that’s your setting until something else changes. This isn’t like body building where you hope to keep building up to higher resistance.

And note that for some guys starting out tight, just applying a device – with no added tension – may indeed give plenty of skin tension.